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Ra223 setup for Dose Calibrators

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Ra223 Setup for 55t Dose Calibrators

1 Purpose/Scope

This procedure describes how to determine the Calibration Number for Ra223, add the Calibration Number to Ra223 and how to set a Hot Key for Ra223.

2 Procedure

2.1 Determining Calibration Number

2.1.1 The calibration is done when the department has received the NIST source provided by Bayer Healthcare or the first therapy dose. The activity for the dose will be provided by the Radiopharmacy or manufacturer. Determine the current activity from the information provided on the dose label.

2.1.2 Perform a new Background measurement.

2.1.3 Place the dose into the Chamber.

2.1.4 From the Chamber Measurement screen, touch the CAL # button. The “Please Enter Cal #” keypad screen will appear.

2.1.5 Input 268. Touch the ACCEPT button.

2.1.6 Compare the displayed activity with the expected activity. If the activity reading is too low, decrease the CAL#.

Note: Lowering the CAL# will increase the activity reading; raising the Cal# will decrease the activity reading.

2.1.7 When the displayed activity reading matches the stated or calculated activity, note the final CAL#.

2.2 Adding the Nuclide

2.2.1 Touch the UTIL button and note the serial number of the Calibrator located in the bottom left hand corner of the Utility screen.

2.2.2 Touch the HOME button.

2.2.3 Touch the SETUP button. The Setup screen will appear.

2.2.4 Touch the ADVANCED CHAMBER button. The “Please Enter Password” keypad screen will appear.

2.2.5 The password is the last three digits of the serial number noted in step 2.2.1. Input your password and touch the ACCEPT button. (The serial number can also be found on the back of your Dose Calibrator.)

2.2.6 Touch the SETUP NUCLIDE button. The Setup Nuclide screen will appear.

2.2.7 Touch each field box and input the data as listed below:

  • Nuclide: Ra223; Element: Radium; Half-Life: 11.43 Days; Cal#(R): established calibration number (from step 2.1.7) After all of the information is entered, touch the ACCEPT button. The Advanced Chamber Setup screen will re-appear.

Note: The Cal# only needs to be entered once under Cal#(R).

2.2.8 Touch the HOME button. The Chamber Measurement screen will appear.

2.2.9 Once the nuclide has been added, it can be accessed by touching the displayed nuclide (i.e.: Tc99m) & selecting the desired nuclide (Ra223), then press the ACCEPT button. The selected nuclide will now be displayed on the Chamber Measurement screen.

Note: Added nuclides will be displayed at the top of the Nuclide List.

2.3 Setting up a Hot Key

The “Hot Keys” are the eight nuclide buttons located at the left edge of the Chamber Measurement screen. Touching one of these buttons selects the programmed nuclide for measurement. It is advisable to assign Ra223 to one of the unit’s “Hot Keys”.

2.3.1 From the Chamber Measurement screen, touch the SETUP button. The Setup screen will appear.

2.3.2 Touch the ADVANCED CHAMBER button. The “Please Enter Password” keypad screen will appear.

2.3.3 The password is the last three digits of the serial number noted in step 2.2.1. Input your password and touch the ACCEPT button. (The serial number can also be found on the back of your Dose Calibrator.)

2.3.4 Touch the SETUP R CHAMBER HOTKEYS button. The Setup R Chamber Hotkeys screen will appear. The left side of the screen displays a list of nuclides titled “Home Screen”. These are the eight Chamber Hotkeys that are displayed on the left side of the Chamber Measurement screen.

2.3.5 Touch the desired Nuclide’s field box that you want to replace. The Please Select Nuclide screen will appear.

2.3.6 Select by touching Ra223. The entire line for Ra223 will become highlighted and an ACCEPT button will appear. Touch the ACCEPT button to save the setting. The Setup R Chamber Hotkeys screen will re-appear with Ra223 in the selected field box.

2.3.7 Touch the ACCEPT button and then touch the HOME button. Ra223 is now displayed as a Hot Key on the Chamber Measurement screen.

2.4 Changing the current established Cal Number for Ra223

2.4.1 From the Chamber Measurement screen, touch the SETUP button. The Setup screen will appear.

2.4.2 Touch the ADVANCED CHAMBER button. The “Please Enter Password” keypad screen will appear.

2.4.3 The password is the last three digits of the serial number noted in step 2.2.1. Input your password and touch the ACCEPT button. (The serial number can also be found on the back of your Dose Calibrator.)

2.4.4 Touch the SETUP NUCLIDE button. The Setup Nuclide screen will appear.

2.4.5 Touch the Cal#(R): or Cal#(P): field box for Ra223, input the new Calibration Number and touch the ACCEPT button. The Setup Nuclide screen will re-appear displaying the entered Cal Number.

2.4.6 Touch the ACCEPT button. The Advanced Chamber Setup screen will re-appear.

2.4.7 Touch the HOME button. The Chamber Measurement screen will appear.

2.4.8 Verify that Ra223 now shows the new calibration number by touching the Ra223 Hotkey (if applicable) or by touching the displayed nuclide (i.e.: Tc99m) on the screen and selecting Ra223 from the list and then touch the ACCEPT button.

Note: Added nuclides will be displayed at the top of the Nuclide List.

Ra223 Setup for 15-25 Dose Calibrators

1 Purpose/Scope

This procedure describes how to determine the Calibration Number for Ra223, add the Nuclide to the Calibrator along with the Half Life and Calibration Number and how to set-up a User Key for the Nuclide.

2 Procedure

2.1 Determining Calibration Number

2.1.1 The calibration is done when the department has received the NIST source provided by Bayer Healthcare or first therapy dose. The activity for the dose will be provided by the Radiopharmacy or manufacturer. Determine the current activity from the information provided on the dose label.

2.1.2 Perform a new Background measurement.

2.1.3 Place the dose into the Chamber.

2.1.4 From the Chamber Measurement screen, press the CAL# key. The “Enter Calibration #” prompt will appear.

2.1.5 Input 268 then press the ENTER key.

2.1.6 Compare the displayed activity with the expected activity. If the activity reading is too low, decrease the CAL#.

Note: Lowering the CAL# will increase the activity reading; raising the Cal# will decrease the activity reading.

2.1.7 When the displayed activity reading matches the stated or calculated activity, note the final CAL#.

2.2 Adding the Nuclide

2.2.1 Press the UTIL or MENU key.

2.2.2 Press 4 to select Setup. The Setup Menu will appear.

2.2.3 Press 4 to select Other. The “Enter Password” prompt will appear.

2.2.4 The password is the last three digits of the serial number. Input your password and press the ENTER key. The Other Menu will appear.

2.2.5 Press 4 to select Nuclides. The Nuclides Menu will appear.

2.2.6 Press 1 to select Add Nuclide. The “Type in Nuclide Name” prompt will appear. Press 7 (a “P” will be displayed), press 7 two more times until “R” is displayed, or use the ë or î arrow keys until “R” is displayed. Press 2 (an “A” will be displayed). Press 223 and the screen will now display Ra223. Press the ENTER key. The “Half Life” screen will appear.

2.2.7 Input the Half Life for the nuclide, Input 11.43. Press the Down Arrow (î) key until “DAY” is displayed. Press the ENTER key. The Half Life verification screen will appear. If the Half Life is not correct, press 6(NO) to answer no to OK. The “Type in Nuclide Name” prompt will re-appear. If it is correct, press 9(YES) to answer yes to OK. The “Enter Calibration #” prompt will appear.

2.2.8 Input the established Calibration Number (from step 2.1.7) and press the ENTER key. The Nuclides Menus will re-appear.

2.2.9 Press the UTIL or MENU key once. The Other Menu will be displayed.

2.3 Setting up a User Key

2.3.1 Press 1 to select User Keys. The Select User Key screen will appear.

2.3.2 Press the desired User key to assign the Nuclide to. The “User Key OK?” prompt will appear.

2.3.3 Press 6(NO) to answer no OK. The “Specify Nuclide” prompt will appear.

2.3.4 Input 72223, then press the ENTER key. The “User Key OK?” prompt will appear.

2.3.5 Press 9(YES) to answer yes to OK if the selected User Key and Nuclide are correct. If it is not correct, press 6(NO) to re-enter the Nuclide Name.

2.3.6 Touch the HOME button. The Chamber Measurement screen will appear.

2.3.7 Once the nuclide has been added to the User key, it can be accessed by pressing the assigned User key for the desired nuclide. The nuclide will now be displayed on the Chamber Measurement screen.

2.4 Changing the Established Cal Number in the System

2.4.1 From the Chamber Measurement screen, press either the UTIL (CRC-15) or MENU (CRC-25) key.

2.4.2 Press 4 to select Setup. The Setup Menu will appear.

2.4.3 Press 4 to select Other. The “Enter Password” prompt will appear.

2.4.4 The password is the last three digits of the serial number. Input your password and press the ENTER key. The Other Menu will appear.

2.4.5 Press 4 to select Nuclide Data (CRC-15) or Nuclides (CRC-25). The Nuclides Menu will appear.

2.4.6 Press 3 to select Cal Numbers (CRC-15) New Cal Num (CRC-25).

2.4.7 Ra223 can be selected via the NUCL button (enter “72223”) or established USER key (if applicable). The assigned calibration number is displayed.

2.4.8 At the prompt “Change Cal #”, press 9(YES) to answer yes.

2.4.9 Input the new calibration number value and press ENTER to accept. The new calibration number is displayed.

2.4.10 Verify the new calibration number is correct and press 9(YES).

2.4.11 Press the HOME key and verify the new calibration number is displayed by pressing the set USER key (U1-U5) or by pressing the NUCL button and entering “72223”.


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