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Major Public Event Security

Our DIM (Detection, Identification, Monitoring) equipment will help you detect radiation before disaster strikes. Mirion solutions are engineered to both secure the site of an event before it occurs, then continue actively monitoring the venue as crowds arrive.
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Choose a Trusted Partner

With decades of experience in event security and radiation detection, Mirion products have a proven track record of quickly and accurately identifying threats. From small, discreet devices that can be worn on a belt, to backpacks to pillars, our entire suite of products is designed to work together to offer you a package of integrated solutions. Mirion radiation sensors can be placed in the field, operated remotely, and connected to a secure network, meaning you don’t have to deploy as many on-site team members to work and monitor them.

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Invest in Easier Implementation

Mirion radiation sensors can be placed in the field, operated remotely and connected to a secure network, meaning you don’t have to deploy as many on-site team members to work and monitor them.

Reduce Cost of Ownership

Our proactive solutions not only feature a long battery and product life, they often can be employed in multiple ways. For example, the SPIR-Pack™ system can be worn by team members as they do a pre-event screening of the site and then can be placed around the site for real-time monitoring as the event occurs.

Spir pack police
Pattern B Edge

Mirion Technologies Detection & Identification Products Featured at Major Racing Event

Products & Systems

Spir pack system


Human Portable Radiation Detection and Identification System

Spir explorer sensor

SPIR-Explorer™ Sensor

Light Wide Range Radiological Detection and Identification Sensor

Spir ident

SPIR-Ident™ Portals

Spectroscopic Radiation Portal Monitors (SRPM)

Spirview mobile

SpirVIEW Mobile™

Situational awareness software

Do you have a question or need a custom solution? We're here to help guide your research.