Mirion Technologies Detection & Identification Products Featured at Major Racing Event
Mirion Technologies recently supported the advanced Chemical Biological Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Detection (CBRNE) Operations Plan for the largest racing event in the US as well as many celebratory events leading up to the race. The Mirion team partnered with several state, local and federal agencies supporting the security operations for radiological detection to include pre-event sweeps, pedestrian and vehicle entry screening, as well as roving monitoring.

Included in the equipment resources, Mirion utilized MBD-2 personal wrist worn dosimeters, Spir-ACE Identifiers, SpiR-ID Advanced RIIDs, SPIR-Pack Spectroscopic backpacks, and SPIR-Ident Mobile Spectroscopy systems. Each device is compatible with real time reach-back to the local command center on the SpirVIEW MOBILE Supervision software for enhanced situational awareness on race day.

Mirion is excited to have been chosen by the local metro police bomb squad to evaluate instrumentation and assist in supporting the safety and security for this special event and their dedication to the CBRNE mission.