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Waste Measurement System

CLEA Monitor 001

Radioactive waste with activity or specific activity below the clearance level can be released from regulatory control. The fully automated high-resolution low-level gamma spectroscopy CLEA checks these clearance levels and warns when levels are exceeded.

Tag Features

  • Nuclide specific clearance level check
  • High purity Germanium (HPGe) detector
  • Ultra-low microphonic electrical cool-ing
  • Integrated desktop MCA with Digital Signal processing
  • Lead shielding for low background
  • Rotation of drum for uniform response
  • Free release measurements of medical and industrial waste
  • Supported by the Genie2000 software
  • NDA2000 software Non Destructive Assay for controlling the waste measurements
  • Fully automated measurements
  • Users friendly interface
  • Nuclide specific results in Bq / measuring unit
  • Barcode reader for a unique ID
  • Database storage of results
  • Extensive QA procedures, calibration, background checks
  • Visual and audible alarming
  • Adjustable height of HPGe detector


Radioactive waste with activity or specific activity below the clearance level can be released from regulatory control. The fully automated high-resolution low-level gamma spectroscopy CLEA checks these clearance levels and warns when levels are exceeded.

The CLEA combines the best resolution HPGe detector technology with ultra-low microphonic electrical cooling combined with a Multi Channel Analyzer with Digital Signal Processing. The lead shielded system has a balance to obtain results in Bq per gram. Rotation of the drum is applied during measurements to compensate for in-homogeneously distribution of the radio active material in the drum. Each waste drum presented for measuring is identified by a unique barcode number, the results are stored in a database. The CLEA is a member of the Waste Watchers (W2) Family.

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