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CGO-Smart™ LNC

Mirion Technologies Logo RGB


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Cgo interface 2

The CGO-Smart™ LNC is a universal contamination monitor for clearance and free release measurements in a single device.

Tag Features

  • Low detection safety margins: excellent measurement-stability, extensive device characterization, efficient algorithms, and detailed investigation of measurement uncertainties allows reduction of unnecessary conservativeness for a most accurate free release recommendation
  • Sensitivity: large volume plastic detectors in a 4π configuration with more than 82% surface coverage resulting in outstanding radiological measurement performance
  • Intelligence: automatic weight correction of the LNC factors, compensation of NORM and background contributions, automatic handling of lightweight objects
  • Speed: advanced decision algorithms allow for a shortest possible measurement time
  • Versatility: clearance and free release using the same monitor- real time mode switching
  • Availability: dynamic background radiation compensation using spectral analysis. Integrated battery to compensate power outages and fluctuations
  • Reliability and stability: proven plastic scintillator technology combined with individual, automatic gain stabilization of all detection channels allow improved long-term measurement stability and reliability
  • Safety: designed for safe installation and transportation, including forklift pockets and modular shielding which can be installed on-site
  • Ergonomics: user-friendly and intuitive graphical user interface
  • Traceability: all measurement results include spectrums and pictures from integrated camera are stored in a local database with LAN access
  • Compliance: fulfills the requirements of ISO11929(2019), DIN 25457, EURATOM Directive (2013/59) and its German implementation StrlSchV 2019


This highly sensitive monitor has been designed for contamination measurements of average-sized items like toolboxes, bags and waste drums. This new monitor is based on the industry proven Smart™ detection technology: spectrometry using plastic scintillation detectors and energy analysis.

Moreover, the CGO-Smart LNC features Our well proven leading nuclide correlation (LNC) technology, which is particularly effective for handling of complex nuclide vectors and reporting of nuclide specific activity as needed for free release applications.

The spectrometric approach ensures excellent long-term stability, short measurement times and particularly low detection limits. Moreover, it allows an automatic validation of the nuclide vector.

The comprehensive and intuitive monitor software comes with nuclide tables and an object library containing common toolboxes, bags or waste drums. Adding new objects is a straightforward task providing reliable auto-absorption and background reduction data.

The integrated automatic background learning tool provides efficient management of situations with challenging anisotropic background conditions.

Validated MCNP simulations are available as a complementary service to extend the functionality of the CGO-Smart LNC to application-specific objects or assessment of specific environmental conditions or nuclide vectors.

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