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IRD 2000™

Mirion Technologies Logo RGB

Irradiator for Dosimeter Source Checking


Used for periodic control in NPPs, Defense departments...with a capability of up to 90 dosimeters (one irradiator) to 150 units (double irradiators) per hour. This tool is a standard production unit.

Tag Features

  • Dosimeter source check or recalibration
  • Automatic operation:
    - User operation limited to dosimeter insertion and removal
    - Automated measurement acquisition
    - Automated efficiency calculation and load
  • Database with full traceability
  • 137Cs shielded source, very low external radiation
  • Single or double irradiators on same PC


This irradiator has been developed to be used by organizations using significant quantities of dosimeters.

The IRD 2000 system is used for periodic control in NPPs, Defense departments...with a capability of up to 90 dosimeters (one irradiator) to 150 units (double irradiators) per hour. This tool is a standard production unit.

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