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Scintillation Preamplifier

2007b preamplifier 001

The Model 2007B low-noise charge-sensitive preamplifier integrates the charge pulse from a PMT (decoupled from the anode) and converts it into a convenient positive voltage pulse output.

Tag Features

  • Low preamp power requirement ±12 V dc at 15 mA
  • Compatible with Accuspec NaI Plus
  • HV transient protection.


The Model 2007B low-noise charge-sensitive preamplifier integrates the charge pulse from a PMT (decoupled from the anode) and converts it into a convenient positive voltage pulse output. The peak amplitude of each output pulse is linearly proportional to the total charge output of the PMT during each amplified photo event. The pulse is set to decay at a nominal 50 µs time constant, and interfaces directly with any of the Mirion spectroscopy amplifiers.

The 2007B unit generates a positive polarity output pulse in response to a typical input signal from a photomultiplier's decoupled anode. This amplifier features high voltage transient protection for a longer life in your lab, low noise contribution for better resolution and a rise time of less than 20 ns for use in timing applications.

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