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Training Courses in Benelux

Quality training is an essential element of a complete, successful nuclear measurements program. To that end, we have developed a broad array of standard training courses on topics ranging from radiation detection fundamentals to the expert use of our most sophisticated products. We also offer custom courses at our training facility in Zellik, Belgium or at your site. Custom courses include development of learning objectives, presentation materials, and course examinations designed to meet your specific needs.

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Invite a Mirion expert to train your team at your facility, or engage our professional training service in a virtual setting, at a date and time that works for you.

Related Trainings

Mirion Technologies

Mirion Technologies

This course covers the complete range of gamma spectroscopy principles from a review of radiation detection principles to evaluation of results and everything in between. This is a concentrated, concise course that includes a practical approach to all aspects of gamma-ray spectrometry. This course is presented as a self-directed “E-Learning” experience that allows coverage of the training materials at whatever time and pace is best for each student. This E-Learning course is intended to serve as the second foundational step for further study in gamma spectroscopy software and hardware theory and operations within Mirion’s “Training Trax” program. This course is not a hardware or software operations course but does include an introduction to Mirion gamma spectroscopy software. The course includes progress quizzes and a final exam for credit within the Mirion TrainingTrax program. This course expires 60 days after registration. Click link below for full course description

Mirion Technologies

This 2-day course covers the complete range of radiation detection principles from sources of radioactive materials to advanced radiation detection applications and everything in between. This is a concentrated, concise, fast-paced course that includes basic physics and practical implications for all aspects of radiation measurements. This course is not a hardware or software operations course. The course is entirely in lecture format. Click link below for full course description

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