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Spir ident moblile 001
Mirion D&I

SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform™

Airborne and Carborne Mobile Spectrometry

The SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is an airborne and carborne system that combines advanced gamma detection and spectroscopy with optional neutron detection suited for vehicles, ships, helicopters and aircrafts.

Tag Features

The system has been designed for multiple applications :

  • for searching and locating radioactive sources for security related applications
  • for mapping of natural radiation background
  • for qualitative and quantitative analysis of contamination in case of nuclear accident

Thanks to its robustness, customization and modularity, the SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is meeting all the operational requirements, so that it can be easily deployed and ready for use in less than 5 minutes.


The SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is composed of :

  • Detector boxes with NaI(Tl) crystals of different sizes, GM detector for high gamma dose rate measurements, and optionally BZnS based neutron detectors with the associated electronics
  • Computer equipped of SPIR-Ident Mobile Suite: SpirMOBILE, SpirPORTAL
  • Optionally connection/accessory box for batteries, connection and communication
  • SpirVIEW MOBILE : supervision software for a fleet of instruments/vehicles by merging all the radiological data into a single map
  • SpirTRAINING module offer realistic and customized training scenarios without using any radioactive source

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