Meriden Day of Caring 2022
Each year, members of the Mirion team working out of the Meriden, Connecticut office organize a Day of Caring in partnership with their local United Way. This year, our colleagues supported the Connecticut Foodshare and helped to sort food. Meriden now holds the record for most pounds sorted: 9,356 pounds of dairy products in just a three-hour timeframe!
“It was an extremely rewarding day volunteering at the CT Food Bank, knowing our efforts would be helping many families in need. It was great to spend time with co-workers that I normally don’t get to see daily!”
– Michele DeGennaro, Sr. Admin Assistant
To support and encourage those who want to give back to their communities, Mirion is proud to offer their North America employees eight hours of paid time off each calendar year to volunteer at a non-profit organization of their choosing. Learn more at benefits.