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Independent QA

Patient safety, enhanced treatment outcomes and workflow efficiency all follow when radiotherapy clinics implement a rigorous and independent approach to Quality Assurance. Sun Nuclear™ comprehensive Quality Management solutions simplify, standardize and automate processes through seamless integration with treatment planning and delivery technologies and workflows.
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Patient Safety Starts with Independent QA

We believe independence and integration are equally critical to Patient Safety and Quality Management for today's hospitals, cancer centers and healthcare networks.

The Problem with Self-Checking

For radiotherapy delivery systems, QA that is not independent is a self-check. Self-checking is inherently biased and driven by familiarity contamination – both in design and risk assessment.

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The Need for Unbiased Assurance

In radiation therapy, patient safety starts and ends with independent QA. Independence provides unbiased assurance issues will be caught while integration with technologies and workflows allows us to simplify, standardize and automate processes —for less subjectivity and greater overall efficiency.

“The QA procedures conducted to assure the quality and accuracy of the product or process (in this case the delivery of radiation therapy) must be independent of the product or process itself. The failure to establish independence can lead to the risk that the QA device merely mimics the performance of the parameter being measured, masking an error or change.”

G.S. Ibbott
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 250 012001 (2010)

The Result: Greater Clinical Confidence

By putting a forensic focus on the quality and accuracy of treatment planning, delivery and management, independent QA gives radiation oncology teams confidence that treatment is being delivered to the tumor sites as intended while minimizing collateral damage to healthy tissues and organs at risk (OARs).

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Sun Nuclear solutions support a comprehensive program of machine, patient-specific and workflow checks for identifying – and mitigating – human and system errors in an expanding universe of complex treatment variables.

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Visit for more on our approach to independent QA, and our commitment to patient safety.

Product Spotlight:

Integrated. Independent.
SunCHECK® Platform
One Platform for Your Patient and Machine QA

The SunCHECK® Platform offers integrated, independent Patient and Machine QA. Integrated QA provides standardization and workflow efficiency. Independent QA removes bias, assuring more treatment and machine issues will be caught.

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