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Movable In-Core Miniature Fission Chamber

Designed for in-core operation in either BWR's or PWR's. The chamber is constructed from stainless steel with high pur­ity alumina insulation and will operate in any position, at temperatures up to (400°C) 750°F.


The WL-24132 is a miniature movable fission chamber designed for in-core operation in either BWR's or PWR's. The chamber is constructed from stainless steel with high pur­ity alumina insulation and will operate in any position, at temperatures up to (400°C) 750°F. The detector is provided with a coaxial mineral insulated cable, with sheath and center conductor of stainless steel, and aluminum oxide insulation. The coaxial cable is located within a 1/4 inch Teleflex drive cable for use with a mechanical drive system.

The WL-24132 has a minimum thermal neutron sensitivity of 5.6 x 10·18 amperes/neutron/cm2/second and a maximum gamma sensitivity of 3.0 x 10-14 amperes/Roentgen/Hour.

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