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proTK™ RR

Neutron Flux Monitoring System

Neutron flux monitoring in research and test reactors for all modes of operation.

Tag Features

  • Comprehensive neutron flux monitoring solutions for research reactors
  • Modular design, highly customizable
  • Reliable and low maintenance, integrated test functions, continuous self-monitoring
  • Large variety of detectors: fission chambers, B-10 proportional counters and ionization chambers
  • Water-tight detector housing for in-pool measurement
  • Total coverage of neutron flux levels from 0.1 to 1E+11 nv
  • 10+ decades of neutron flux with one WR FC and signal processing unit
  • Isolated safety signals for RPS
  • Optional secured serial interface
  • Qualified for Category A functions (Class 1 system) acc. IEC 61226
  • Life-time support and services, incl. engineering and licensing support


With the proTK™ product line Mirion is offering state-of-the-art equipment for neutron flux monitoring that is versatile and high performing. Due to its modularity, it can be integrated into nuclear facilities of any size and complexity, including research reactors.

proTK™ neutron flux monitoring channels are providing fast and reliable information on neutron flux levels and trends, therefore allowing the operator to constantly monitor the reactor power and stay ahead of (planned or unexpected) events.

proTK™ RR is Mirion’s program for providing reliable and versatile equipment and services to operators of research and test reactors, e.g. the common TRIGA®, to support safe operation while maintaining and improving performance.

Do you have a question or need a custom solution? We're here to help guide your research.


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